Acne: Carrot alone, Carrot 10 oz. - Spinach 6 oz.
Adenoids: (same as Acne)
Albuminuria: Carrot 10 - Beet 3 - Cucumber 3 ozs.
Allergies: Carrot 8 - Celery 8 ozs.
Anemia: Carrot 8, Beet 2, Celery 6 ozs.
Angina Pectoris: Carrot 6, Beet 5, Cucumber 5 ozs.
Arthritis: Carrot 8, Celery 8 ozs. Grapefruit alone
Asthma: Carrot 8, Celery 8 ozs. Grapefruit alone.
Blood Pressure (High): Carrot 8 oz., pod of garlic.
Bright’s Disease: Carrot 8, Celery 6, Parsley 2 ozs.
Cancer: Carrot quart daily. Carrot 12, Cabbage 4 ozs.
Colitis: Carrot 8, apple 8 ozs.
Constipation: Carrot 8, Celery 4, apple 4 ozs.
Coronary Thrombosis: Carrot 8, garlic 2 ozs.
Dermatitis: Carrot 6, Beet 5, Cucumber 5 ozs.
Diabetes: Carrot 6, Celery 5, Endive 2, Parsley 2 ozs.
Diarrhea: Carrot 6, Celery 5, Apple 5 ozs.
Fever: Choice of apple, pineapple, grape, orange.
Gallstones: Carrot 6, Beet 5, Cucumber 5 ozs.
Hay Fever: Carrot 8, Celery 8 ozs.
Hernia: Carrot 6, Celery 6, Spinach 2, Parsley 2 ozs.
Influenza: Carrot 8, Celery 8 ozs.
Nephritis: Carrot 8, Celery 6, Parsley 2 ozs.
Nervous Disorders: Carrot 8, Celery 6, Parsley 2 ozs.
Peptic Ulcers: Cabbage 16; Celery 16; Cabbage alone.
Rheumatism: Carrot 8, Celery 8 ozs.
Scurvy: Oranges 8, Grapefruit 8 ozs.
Tumors: Carrot 8, Beet 8 ounces in combination.
Special properties of Juices:
Apple: healer of internal inflammation, digestive.
Beet: Cancer-tumor healer, blood-builder.
Cucumber: Alkalizes, mineralizes.
Cabbage: Vitamin U, healer of ulcers.
Carrot: Best balanced in vitamins and minerals.
Celery: Nature’s nerve tonic, alkalinizes.
Dandelion: Organic magnesium, for teeth, tonic.
Endive: Alkalinizes, rich in minerals and vitamins.
Kale: Vitamins A, B, C, rich in calcium.
Lemon: Richest in bio-flavonoids, lemon cure.
Parsley: helps glands, nerves, blood coagulation, eyes.
Tomato: Fruit, richest in minerals.
Orange: Rich in calcium, Phos., Vitamins C, A, sugar.